Contributing Factors

  • A perpetrator’s sense of power, control, and entitlement:
    • Use of violent behavior and power to control the victim
    • Sense of entitlement to treating the victim with no regard or respect.
  • Gender-based stereotypes reinforce the inequality between genders:
    • For example, in a society where men are portrayed as being aggressive and women are seen as passive, a man who pressures a woman for sex is often perceived as behaving acceptably.
  • Contributing factors such as alcohol and other drugs:
    • The person who commits a violent act is responsible, however, alcohol and other drugs reduce inhibitions and cloud judgment.
    • Some studies indicate some perpetrators are more likely to commit sexual assault when they are under the influence of alcohol or another substance.
  • Victim-blaming ideas:
    • The belief that a victim somehow “asked for it” by the way s/he behaves, dresses or lives.
    • Such myths and misconceptions add to the prevalence of sexual violence.
    • These factors reinforce a belief that some people are not as equal as others.
    • By focusing on a person’s style of dress, choice of lifestyle, physical appearance, sexual orientation and more, the degradation of people becomes a strong factor in sexual violence.