Survivor Workshop Series:
Throughout the fall we will be offering free workshops around many topics surrounding the experience of survivors, coping, wellness, and more. These workshops are open to ANYONE affiliated with Rutgers University-New Brunswick. Feel free to come to one or all!
You must register in advanced. Individuals can change their name to whatever is preferred (First and last, first only, Anonymous, etc.) while in the Zoom room by clicking “participants” -> find your name, hover over and click “more” -> rename. You can also switch your name on your profile before you enter if you prefer.
You may keep camera off or on, whatever your preference.
Family Violence: October 12th 2:30pm – 4:00pm
We have all seen articles on how domestic violence has increased due to the pandemic. It is important to know that this type of violence happens in many different types of relationships, not just romantic ones. Some of our community may also be experiencing an increase in abuse or violence due living at home. Join us to learn about family violence, the options available and suggestions for safety planning.
Registration Link:
Sleep Hygiene & Trauma: October 27th 10:00am – 11:30am
A fundamental need for humans is our need of sleep. From restlessness to nightmares, survivors might experience negative outcomes in their sleep at higher levels. This workshop will explore sleep hygiene and it relation to trauma, along with some basic tools that may help anyone with their sleep.
Registration Link:
Coping & Activism > Election: November 5th 12:00pm – 1:30pm
Our current political climate is causing anxiety for many. How do you balance staying informed and staying sane? This workshop will explore that balance by understanding the history and research on activism as one of many ways of coping.
Registration Link:
Trauma of COVID-19: November 10th 1:00pm – 2:30pm
Not enough people are recognizing or acknowledging that COVID-19 is a collective trauma that we are all struggling with. Trauma is often linked closely with grief and we are collectively grieving the loss of a lot of things due to the pandemic including connection, structure, normality, jobs, homes, financial security and even loss of life. This workshop will provide a safe space where we will talk about the impact COVID has had on our lives and we’ll talk about some coping strategies we can use to manage the grief.
Registration Link:
Neurobio Of Trauma: November 17th 1:00pm – 2:30pm
The Neurobiology of Trauma workshop will introduce participants to the basic elements of neurobiology and the parts of the brain affected by traumatic situations, such as, interpersonal violence. Understanding how the experience of trauma gets processed on a neurological level can help survivors reduce feelings of shame and learn helpful tools to heal from interpersonal trauma.
Registration Link:
Safety Planning and Advocacy: December 3rd 10:30am – 12:00pm
Safety planning is crucial in the field of trauma and feeling safe is an important part of the healing process. This includes planning with a present threat as well as for a future crisis. This workshop focuses on the fundamentals of safety planning as well as examples of how to create a plan. Additionally, this workshop will explore the five types of advocacy VPVA provides to survivors.
Registration Link:–spjkoGNyZPe1HL9zg6zBzY_WJPKf9
Mindfulness and Virtual Spaces: December 10th 10:30am – 12:00pm
A workshop focused on learning about the practice of mindfulness and its beneficial impacts on our lives. We will focus on mindfulness practices in our new ‘virtual reality’ and discuss how students can incorporate 5 minutes of mindfulness into their busy everyday schedules.
Registration Link:
Any questions please email Will Pauwels at